A Mindfulness Adventure Series

Are tuck-ins a challenge?
Bedtimes are an opportunity for reconnection, for sharing
and processing, for listening and releasing.
It is a special and sacred time. How they drift off to sleep and
what space they are in - really matters to their well being.
You probably already know some of the benefits of mindfulness for kids...
It increases focus and self esteem and lowers anxiety and stress.
Maybe you also already know some of the benefits of using guided imagery with kids...
It has a positive effect on heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rates and brain waves.
Together these create a powerful tool for emotional regulation, inner connection, and self love.
Now, that's the space I want my kids to be in when they go to bed.
But how do we lead them?
We are tired from the day too. Maybe we’ve let our bedtime rituals slide in the wake of Covid - too much screen time across the board, and everyone is drained? Maybe we are trying to make things quick so that we can finally get some work done or have some time alone after they fall asleep?
And most of us don’t have experience in creating a guided meditation on the spot...
We want to know that the bedtime stories and meditations our kids are listening to are created by experts.
Well, get ready to step into the magical world of Ammi.
A place where wonder is alive and well.
A place where imaginations soar.
A place to deeply ground our roots.
A place where we can freely explore our inner landscape and be held by the natural world.
A place where we can be with and get to know ourselves.

Each issue is a journey.
A story and a meditation woven by universal themes. Each story uses guided imagery to teach children inner connection and emotional regulation. The simple meditations inspire imagination as the building block for conscious creation and bridge the physical, the energetic, the emotional, and all the spaces between.
Previously this series was only available for those with a subscription to Root and Star but we have made them digital so everyone and anyone can access them anytime they need!
Experience the Positive Effects:
Emotional Regulation
Conscious Creation
Inner Connection
Purchase Now and Receive:
An introduction to guided imagery with children
- Learn the best practices for guiding your children through these stories and meditations.
14 Full Spread PDF’s
- With stories, guided meditations, poetry, Try This ideas, and beautiful original artwork from Courtney Mandryk.

Exchange: $22
Explore these universal themes with Ammi :











Ammi is a mindfulness adventure series created and developed by pioneering counselor Heather Hawk Feinberg, founding director of Mindful Kids and author of Crying is Like the Rain. It was published in Root and Star from 2017 through 2019 when the magazine ended production. There it received high acclaim and was adored by children of all ages and parents alike. Used in homes and schools -
as bedtime story, soothing meditation, mindfulness practice, connection creator, it is a truly valuable and meaningful resource.
Ammi is a gentle and wise child who leads the way . . . .
"Ammi has been wonderful, both directly and as an entry point into making the language and experience of self awareness, meditation and mindfulness an integrated part of our day-to-day living. I feel like Ammi has had an impact in being able to be with challenging moments, tough emotions as well as slowing down to notice & appreciate the beauty of our natural world."
Erin - Mom of two boys aged 8
"My daughter is really enjoying Ammi! So far, she is enjoying relating to the nighttime story where her mind and body don’t match up. We have been singing the verses on the right side of the page in bed before she goes to sleep, and she’s really enjoying that ( and learning new words at the same time). I’m focusing on this one for now, since it pertains to her at night and she wants to memorize the verses. Thank you so much, and I will continue to keep you posted!"
Kelly - Mom of one daughter aged 7