community feedback
Check out what people are saying, experiencing, and feeling about Mindful Kids!
"Heather radiates warmth, love and generosity. My students enthusiastically look forward to her visits each week! Between her visits, I often overhear them quietly singing their beautiful "Time In" song and tapping along to the beat. She is extremely patient, kind and open-minded, often incorporating children's spontaneous ideas into the lessons. It's also very clear to me and to the children that she cares deeply about each individual child. She truly sees them for who they are, and they feel it. Additionally, I've found Heather to be very responsive, flexible and easy to communicate with. She is a joy to work with! "
Nicole Haldayna, Director and Teacher, Woodland Schoolhouse (August, 2015)
"We all got a lot out of the workshop. Since then, we've sung the song and talked about bubbles and tails. We have done some mindfulness meditation with {our daughters} in the past, but I hadn't heard of energy meditation before and I think it will be really good for our family. Thank you! I look forward to learning more."
Parent, Chicago Workshop (April, 2016)
"Working with Heather at Mindful Kids has helped us at Mama Melli Childcare Center create a loving, grounding space for the kiddos. She has not only taught us how to teach mindfulness to the little ones (ages 1-3), but she has taught us how to practice mindfulness ourselves, helping us BE wonderful caregivers and conscious BEings. We have truly enjoyed our time with her and we look forward to learning more! Thank you, Heather! You're helping me transform Mama Melli's!"
Melissa Peck, Mama Melli Childcare Center (August, 2016)