For Schools, Learning Centers, Community Organizations:

Have you recently started a school or daycare facility and want to enrich the lives of your children and their families by adding integral SEL to your program?
Are you a community organization and want to enhance your staff training by adding social and emotional components of health? Or teach your staff how to manage their emotional boundaries to end burn out and overwhelm?
Would your learning center benefit by opening the eyes of the staff to a greater way of seeing, experiencing, and being in the world?
For these and so many more experiences, we offer:
One time play-shops
On-going enrichment classes
Teacher mentorship and training
Consultation for social emotional energetic learning
Guidance for systems changes
Resource sharing - music, meditations, mindfulness games
Personalized Workshops and Trainings
Access to our online Resource Library (coming soon!)
"Heather radiates warmth, love and generosity. My students enthusiastically look forward to her visits each week! Between her visits, I often overhear them quietly singing their beautiful "Time In" song and tapping along to the beat. She is extremely patient, kind and open-minded, often incorporating children's spontaneous ideas into the lessons. It's also very clear to me and to the children that she cares deeply about each individual child. She truly sees them for who they are, and they feel it. Additionally, I've found Heather to be very responsive, flexible and easy to communicate with. She is a joy to work with!"
Nicole Haldayna, Director and Teacher, Woodland Schoolhouse (August, 2015)
For Professionals:
Counselors, Coaches, Teachers, Administrators
Are you a teacher who would like to understand how to bring SEL into your classroom in a truly welcomed way?
Are you an administrator or owner of a school of any size and want to look at ways to revitalize how your school reaches the whole child?
Do you work with children professionally and want more in depth, personal, and transformative experience with understanding the emotional well being of your students?
For these, and endless more answers, we offer:
Introduction to SEL, Mindfulness, Meditation and Conscious Classroom Leadership Training
Professional Mentorship and Training in mindfulness curriculum
Classes and workshops for staff groups
Individual Consultation for implementation of SEL
Structured Guidance for systems change
Enlightened Educator Training
Personalized experiences as requested
Access to our online Resource Library (coming soon!)

"After attending Heather's Mindful Kids workshop, I feel this has given me extra tools to understand how to create that space needed within myself daily and the children around me that I share this space with. Heather is so warm and inviting, learning with you as she opens the dialogue to enrich our future. I especially loved seeing what was shared with us led in its truest form with children/families attending. Her facilitation style makes all around relaxed from the moment you meet her. I am grateful to be part of this movement and look forward to incorporating all of my learnings/tools within my future."
Cynthia Bernard, ATX Yoga Girl (August, 2016)
For Parents, Primary Caregivers, and Families:

Are you a parent who would like to bring more mindful practices to your family?
Are you a caregiver who understands the importance of teaching energy management to your children, but don't know how?
Do you want to begin or invigorate your meditation practice and want to engage your children in the process?
Are you ready to step in more fully and show up for yourself and your family in expanded and expansive ways and want a guide to walk with you?
For this and so much more, we are here.
Mentorship and Consultation
Counseling and Coaching
Guidance on Emotional health and well being for families
Access to our online Resource Library (coming soon!)
“Mindful Kids classes are so special and unique. They provide a sacred space for slowing down and learning by living and experiencing right next to your child. They also provide immense insight into everything from parenting to just living life intentionally. It is like the best elements of a parenting workshop, yoga class, meditation practice, and conversation with a best friend all combined into one and made vibrantly whole in its own special way. Heather provides a wealth of wisdom, condensed in an approachable way, and taught with tools that make it easy to access later. Heather herself is such a peaceful, loving person and she truly connects with each child on their level, through play and exploration. She always seems very alive to the moments and experiences even as she does the work of facilitating them. I am deeply grateful for the lessons our family has learned at Mindful Kids!”
Julia Spector Mancini, Parent, Yoga Teacher (January, 2017)
"Working with Heather at Mindful Kids has helped us at Mama Melli Childcare Center create a loving, grounding space for the kiddos. She has not only taught us how to teach mindfulness to the little ones (ages 1-3), but she has taught us how to practice mindfulness ourselves, helping us BE wonderful caregivers and conscious BEings. We have truly enjoyed our time with her and we look forward to learning more! Thank you, Heather! You're helping me transform Mama Melli's!"
Melissa Peck, Owner and Teacher, Mama Melli Childcare Center (August, 2016)
Why teach kids meditation and how to manage their energy?
The benefits are truly infinite and the well being of our world depends on it.
Teaching meditation to children is not a luxury, it is a necessity.
At this time in which we live, it is integral for every human being to be able to connect within and know how to navigate both their inner and outer worlds.
We are multi-dimensional beings, it's time to teach our children this truth.
These are the natural effects of this work, this practice, this way of being.
A deep appreciation for all of the gifts of life.
A feeling of truly belonging in this place and time.
Ease with all things and our part in the flow of the universe.
Acceptance as doors open and close.
An internal sense of what is what is aligned and what is not.
Listen and hear with clarity. Learn to filter out the noise and learn to hear our information above the chatter in the world.
Self Love
Live with love and a true lightness of being.
Know that love is what we are!
A knowing grace for oneself.
The ability to see clearly what is true and real for oneself.
A joyful spirit.
One that knows they are safe in the world.
Empathy for all beings.
Learn to be here now, present in our body and space and time.
Trust and depend on our inner states of knowing to lead us.
Connect to ourselves, our divinity and the Oneness of All.